

Joanne (女,55岁,马来西亚芙蓉市人)
First of all, I would like to thank Master Xiao and Ms. Chuah for organizing this programme.
Before I came to this programme, I went to Mr. Wong’s place to do Lajin and Paida and I saw the result especially on my thigh and leg. My thigh went smaller and my leg was lighter after a few sessions.
I always had sleepless nights. After the Paida on my knee at Mr. Wong’s place, that night I was worrying how to sleep with such pain, but I had the best sleep that night without waking up.
For the 7-day programme, I learned a new method of jogging which I will follow when I go back. During jogging about the 5th day, I experienced excruciating pain on my left kidney/waist and felt breathless. I think the Chi was healing my waist because I fell down from the stairs a few years ago and the doctor said my L4 & L5 were pressing on my nerve that’s why my right leg were always numb and without strength.
For meditation, I also experienced the Chi moving around the area that was hurting and had lot of burping on the first and second day. Thank god as the days went by my meditation become more and more still even though I still felt the pain in the waist and leg but it did move around except I could feel the Chi going to that area.
For Paida and Lajin, I feel very painful on certain parts of the body especially the inner thigh. Whenever the Paida finished, I felt cold hands and feet, which, according to Ms. Chuah, was expelling the cold and dampness from my body. The Sha from my thigh was especially purplish colour which means it’s very blocked.
Before I came as I said earlier my right leg was numb and weak. After these 7 days, I felt much better; I hope it will be better as days go on.
Usually I could not sit on the floor cross legged but I was surprised that during these few sessions of meditation I was able to do so.
Lastly, I will commit myself to continue doing the fasting, meditation and Lajin and Paida at home to fully cure my body so that I am able to relate to others and help to find a remedy to cure their sickness.
Joanne , Female, Age 55, from Seremban, Malaysia
10 Jan 2013
Chuah Li Choon
Yi Consultancy
Address: 18-3-9, Lorong Delima 1, Gembira Parade, 11600 Penang.
Tel: 604-659 7767 HP: 6012-428 3265
E-mail: yiadmin@streamyx.com; yi.consultancy@gmail.com