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手机端链接    来源:新浪博客  作者:医行天下


        我在微博上就拍打增肥问题写了这段话,“瘦人拍打拉筋增肥,肥人则减肥。很多女士拍打乳房更是奇效:太大太肥的乳房变小,太小太瘦的乳房变大;高血压、甲状腺疾病以此类推,拍打拉筋导致自动平衡,高的变低,低的变高。这就是自愈力的奇妙! ”结果马上就有人验证说自己拍打乳房结果变大了一个cup。后来提供证据的人更多了,有人专门发给我相关题目的讨论链接。因为该文不是新浪博客故没法在新浪直接转发,我只好Copy在此,其原文网址如下:


stockyuce 2012-10-30 09:51


据店内美容师Tata Sombuntham介绍,她是西半球第一个运用泰国传统“打耳光”疗法为顾客美容的美容师。这种通过在顾客脸部进行拍打、揉捏和按摩的疗法,使顾客不用手术就可取得祛除皱纹、收缩毛孔和收紧肌肤的效果。


44岁的Khunying Tobnom是全世界唯一一位“泰式人体拍打”美容专家,她在泰国曼谷的美容生意需求旺盛。泰国卫生部经过对志愿治疗者进行跟踪观察证实,该疗法确实能使治疗者胸部增大。顾客也表示,虽然在治疗过程中要忍受疼痛,但是效果十分显着。

Khunying的美容培训课程费用极其高昂。学习身体拍打、胸部拍打和脸部拍打课程的费用分别为33万美元(约合206万元人民币)、26万美元(约合162万元人民币)和16万美元(约合100万元人民币)。 (实习编译侯希)



stockyuce 2012-10-30 09:55

泰国曼谷有一个美容大师,声称可以通过拍打胸部(或者好听点叫按摩)的方式来让妹妹的胸部变得漂亮,且变大。为了证明她的厉害,我们找来了这个视频,在视频中名为Khemmikka Na Songkhla 的大师使用她独有的掌法,为每个妹纸施以各种组合拳。


不仅如此,据说Khemmikka Na Songkhla 老师还会开设教学班,将毕生绝学传授给他人,让全世界人民都来拍打妹纸的胸脯。

Khemmikka Na Songkhla 说:这一套拍打功夫,是一门修生系统,不仅可以拍打胸部,还能拍脸(瘦脸),拍屁股(估计有提臀)。这是百分百的天然按摩方式。

据说Khemmikka Na Songkhla 已经拍了20年了。祝愿她好运:D

1楼 回复

stockyuce 2012-10-30 09:57


泰国曼谷有一个美容大师,声称可以通过拍打胸部(或者好听点叫按摩)的方式来让妹妹的胸部变得漂亮,且变大。为了证明她的厉害,我们找来了这个视频,在视频中名为Khemmikka Na Songkhla 的大师使用她独有的掌法,为每个妹纸施以各种组合拳。


不仅如此,据说Khemmikka Na Songkhla 老师还会开设教学班,将毕生绝学传授给他人,让全世界人民都来拍打妹纸的胸脯。

Khemmikka Na Songkhla 说:这一套拍打功夫,是一门修生系统,不仅可以拍打胸部,还能拍脸(瘦脸),拍屁股(估计有提臀)。这是百分百的天然按摩方式。

据说Khemmikka Na Songkhla 已经拍了20年了。祝愿她好运:D

2楼 回复

stockyuce 2012-10-30 10:02

A Thai natural health practitioner claims she can boost bra sizes by 'breast-slapping.'

The traditional therapy is said to enlarge the breasts with no surgery whatsoever - just a good deal of kneading, massaging and pummelling of the area.

Khemmikka Na Songkhla learnt the unlikely technique from her grandmother, who intervened after seeing the flat-breasted teenager attempting to boost her assets with creams.

Ouch! Khunying Tobnom has made a career out of the wisdom of breast- and buttock-slapping

No pain, no gain: While the treatment looks painful, the hard breast slapping is said to add inches to the chest

The 44-year-old, better known as Khunying Tobnom, made a career out of the wisdom and has also cornered the Bangkok market on buttock-slapping, to firm the rear, and face-slapping, to tone the visage.

'Ancient people didn't share it much because back then people didn't care about breast size,' she told the Bangkok Post. But now, it seems her skills are much in-demand.

The slapping works, she says, by shifting fat from one area to another, kneading excess fat towards the breasts.

Doubters of the treatment's efficacy may be assuaged by the Thai government's endorsement of Khunying Tobnom's trade.

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According to the Independent, a study by the Thai Health Ministry ministry found vigorous massage left volunteers' breasts measurably bigger. The Ministry even sponsored a programme that saw women learning to slap their own breasts to enhance their size as an alternative to surgery.

Khunying Tobnom says that clients can expect to gain a couple of inches, post-slap.

'If your breasts are 30 inches, for example, we will record that with your signature. After treatment, your breasts will be enlarged to 32 inches. We will record and you have to sign again,' she said to the Thai newspaper.

Thai up top: The 'ancient' therapy is very popular and has even been approved by the Thai Health Ministry, who encourage it as an alternative to surgery

Wha-pow: Face-slapping sees clients endure a volley of facial hits, all in the name of beauty

Miraculous as it sounds, the therapy is sadly not fool-proof.

'Sometimes we have to refuse treatment because some breasts are too small to be enlarged.'

And, while it may be surgery-free, the popular treatment is not without its discomfort factor. Clients say the treatment is painful, but that they can cope.

'Sometimes we have to refuse treatment because some breasts are too small to be enlarged'

'I like it a lot,' says one satisfied customer. 'I came here because I don't want to have plastic surgery. This treatment gives fast results and it's safe for my body.

'After the treatment, I feel a little pain, but I can stand it.' It gives a whole new meaning to the adage 'no pain, no gain.'

Now, as the world's only expert in the ways of ancient body slapping, Khunying Tobnom is sharing her skills with others.

And learning the tricks of the trade doesn't come cheap.

3楼 回复

stockyuce 2012-10-30 10:03

Training courses for body-slapping, breast-slapping and face-slapping come at the eye-watering price of 330,000, 263,000 and 164,000 respectively.

'I believe my wisdom is very valuable. It's a heritage from my grandmother and I'm the only one in the world who can practice this wisdom,' says Khunying Tobnom.

Before and after: One client shows her face before, left, and after four sessions of face-slapping, right

One trainee - who has presumably forked out the requisite hundreds of thousands of dollars - proudly shows off before-and-after pictures of her face to the Bangkok Post.

After four treatments, the woman's face appears slimmer, her cheekbones and chin more pronounced.

'I learned face-slapping because I believe it is a one million per cent natural beauty treatment,' she says.

'When I saw what happened to my face, the face-slapping training course became very interesting to me.'

Happily for the flat-chested, wobbly-bottomed or facially flabby, six 10-minute sessions at the clinic are a far more affordable option at around 380.

Still, Khunying Tobnom remains realistic about the treatment's apparently prodigious potential. 'If you really want to enlarge your breasts, have plastic surgery to get them as big as you want!'

4楼 回复

stockyuce 2012-10-30 10:19




这套「拍打美容法」是泰国女师傅Khemmikka Na Songkhla的祖传秘方,她声称只要在胸部附近不断拍打按摩,就能使罩杯升级,一次疗程需拍打四次;此疗法也可拍打在不同部位,拍脸可使脸部更光滑有弹性,臀部则可提臀,甚至还有瘦身的功效。不过,这套疗法并非每个人都适用,Khemmikka Na Songkhla说:「我们也会拒绝为胸部过小的顾客治疗,因为可能会没有效用。」



tags: 美容 丰胸 拍打 美国 泰国
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