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       王明路 2013-1-8






值得高兴的是, Peter一直很积极乐观,并且每天坚持拍打拉筋。他现在辞职在家全身心投入拍打拉筋。这对他的心理健康有帮助,让他有事可忙,有了活下去的动力。他坚信自己总有一天会痊愈。我在帮他拍打,不过,恐怕我并不总是那么乐观。我有时会情绪失控,陷入完全绝望的深渊。但是,在读了萧老师的博客之后,我大多数时候又会振作起来。

















我们被告知运动神经元病是一种无治的进行性疾病。这种病只会恶化,不会好转。Peter身上已经出现了好转迹象 —— 尽管不是大的转变。我们知道,要让他完全康复,我们还有很长的路要走。但是,我们仍然满怀希望,我们会继续坚持拍打拉筋。




Jo Hart







亲爱的Jo,在帮助Peter拍打拉筋的过程中,您会发现这也是一个自我疗愈的过程。有时,您会比病人更痛苦。但是,如果您能挺过来,就会身心健康双丰收。在我们帮助别人“疗愈”的过程中,实际上,我们同时也是在“自我疗愈”。这个过程我也经历过。Jo,您和Peter做得很棒!您给了Peter强有力的支持!就像萧老师常说的那样,“行动!行动!再行动!”(Just do it!)















Patient with Motor Neuron Disease (MND) making improvements thanks to Paida and Lajin

Jo’s Mail to Mr. Xiao and He Fei

Dear Master Xiao and Fei,

Happy New Year and good health.

Just a quick note to report to you how we are getting on.

The good news is Peter continues to be very positive and very committed to Paida and Lajin without fail every day. He has now resigned and taken on Paida and Lajin as a full time job. Psychologically it is doing him good. It keeps him busy and a purpose for living. He strongly believes he will fully recover one day. I help him with the Paida, but I’m afraid I am not always that positive. Sometimes I let the emotion take over me and get completely despaired. However, after reading Master Xiao’s blog, I pick myself up most of the time.

In the last 8 months of Paida and Lajin, Peter experienced all sorts of healing crises, including:

1) Numbness in both of the lower legs and upper right arm. This lasted at least 5 months. It has now disappeared.

2) One time loads of bits appeared on his inner arms, side of the body and thighs, some of which were itchy, others were just like tiny blackheads. They are all healed now.

3) His bad foot, the left foot was swollen for a good few weeks. After that, the skin around the ankles turned black and hardened. It lasted four, five months. There are signs that the hard skin starts to soften a tiny bit and that the affected area is shrinking.

4) His big left toe has been flapping for a while, say seven months. Recently, he found that he can lightly wriggle the toe and the strength is obviously improving, though it is far from getting back to normal. He was over the moon with it.

5) A cyst was found on his right arm which had grown from a pea size to 3cm within a couple of months. After Paida it continuously, it burst a few times with lots of thick gluey blood and water oozing out. Now the cyst was gone and healed.

6) After a good session of Paida a couple of months ago, he suddenly couldn’t get up from the sofa. We have now raised the sofa so that it is easier for him to get up.

7) A week or so ago, after another effective Paida on his thighs and legs, he experienced not being able to get up from the normal chair. He now sat on the bar stool at the breakfast counter for his meals. We are going to acquire a booster cushion so that he can continue to have meals with us at the dinning table.

8) A couple of days ago he has a fall at the top of the stairs and couldn’t hoist himself up. We were told to install a stair lift for health and safety reason. At first he refused and insisted to soldier on without relying on any equipment. However in this case, we cannot afford to put his life in danger but to agree to the stair lift. He told the guy that he was suffering some sort of healing crisis at the moment. Once he comes out of it, he won’t need the stair lift any more and can they buy it back. Ha Ha! When the time comes, I am more than happy to donate it to somebody who needs it.

9) When he does Lajin, he always feels the energy or a special sensation flowing around his legs, arms and feet.

10) He does burp, breaking winds, wee more after Paida and Lajin.

11) The last couple of days he felt very hot during the nights and sweated a lot.

12) He also felt his two feet were filled with blood which is something he never felt before. He felt soreness on both of his thighs and legs as if after a strenuous exercise. He was thrilled to feel that his muscles seem to have a workout even though in real life he did nothing but Paida and Lajin.

13) He started to self Paida a few weeks ago. Owing to his condition, he cannot produce a lot of force. Nevertheless, he can manage a good 45 minutes on and off basis, in comparison to only 5 minutes in the beginning which is a major improvement.

14) Every morning he continues to do the slow jogging round the house for about 40 minutes without any stop in comparison to stopping 4 to 5 times four months ago.

15) I notice after meditation, he can use his right fist to strike the back of his waist over 30 times, whereas four months ago, he could only strike once or twice.

We were told motor Neuron disease is a non curable and progressive illness. It will only deteriorate but will never get better. Peter shows signs of improvement even though very small ones. We know that we may be a long way from a full recovery but we remain hopeful and persevere with Paida and Lajin.

Nobody in the world has ever recovered from the disease but nobody ever treat it by Paida and Lajin either. We just couldn’t wait to be the first one so that we can help many other people who are suffering from it.

Please let us know if we are doing the right thing. Is there anything else we should be doing? We treasure your support and advice as always.

Best regards,

Jo Hart

January 3, 2013


He Fei’s Reply


Dear Jo and Peter, Happy New Year to you too!

Thanks a lot for your long mail reporting all the details about Peter’s self-healing! I am very glad to see the great improvement through your effort, especially very much touched by Peter’s confidence and determination of doing Lajin and Paida!

I am personally very sure that you have been doing the very right thing. (So does Meister Xiao, I believe.) Even the smallest improvement of Peter paves the way to a better quality of life. Healing crises are included. I suggest that Peter in the winter time, could slowly extend more time for Lajin and meditation and do Paida comparatively gentler. The crisis will be over, I am sure.

Dear Jo, during supporting Peter with Lajin and Paida, you will find out, it’s also a process to heal yourself. It might be sometimes even more suffering than the patient. But if you continue doing it, you will improve yourself physically and psychologically. As we intend to “heal” others, we actually “heal” ourselves at the same time .That’s my experience too. Look, Jo, Peter and you have been doing so well. Your support to him is remarkable! Please just do it (like Meister Xiao always says)!

I think that Meister Xiao might give you more suggestions.

Please write me or call me any time you need help.

I wish you guys could join the workshop once more.)!

Warm regards, also to Peter!



January 4, 2013

Mr. Xiao’s Reply

Dear Jo,

Please accept my sincere congratulations! Peter and you have done an excellent job! You are making history!

I agree with all that Fei says, even to all the detailed suggestions from her! One more thing to add: If possible, try to eat some more nutritious food. If his appetite increases, that will be a very good turning point!

For Paida and Lajin, just follow Fei’s suggestion. Please always do meditation whenever you have time.

Please always keep records!

Good luck!


January 5, 2013

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