我叫Serena Heng,女,50岁,来自马来西亚Petaling Jaya。

我在2011年做了心脏搭桥术,之后就开始“终生服药”。手术过后,我还是存在高血压、高胆固醇的问题。我上次去看心脏病专科医生时,他增加了我的服药量,因为他认为我的血压和胆固醇读数没有他预想的那样好 —— 可是,这样的读数对于没有患任何心脏疾病的人而言亦属正常范围。

Serena Heng
蔡女士(Ms. Chuah):
电话:+6012 428 3265
My name is Serena Heng,Female, Age 50 and I come from Petaling Jaya, Malaysia.
My objective of coming to this workshop is to learn the alternative treatment of self-healing, so I could decide on my own, choice of treatments, besides heart medicines in the near future.
I was put on lifelong heart medicines after my heart bypass surgery in 2011. Even after the surgery I am still having problems of high blood pressure and high cholesterol. In my last visit to my heart cardiologist, he increased my dosage as he felt the blood pressure and cholesterol readings were not as good as he had expected, although the readings were considered normal for a person without any heart sickness.
At times, I experienced hand and feet numbness and tightening of my chest muscles, besides having difficulty falling asleep at night. Lack of sleep has caused fatigue to me on the next day. Occasionally, I do experience stiffness on my neck, shoulder, chest and back of my body. This causes a lot of discomfort to my mobility.
In the workshop, I enjoyed the Zen jogging especially with its slow rhythmic pace where we were aware of each of our movements and the meditation session where it calmed down our mind and brought peace to our surroundings. It is good to start off a day before the Paida and Lajin sessions.
Paida and Lajin were initially very painful but with a calm mind and with the thought that we would be healed one day, the pain became bearable to me. I did chanting when the pain was too severe and managed to divert my mind away from the pain.
During the workshop, I seemed to find out my old illness which I thought I had recovered when Paida at the back of my head and near the left ear. I could feel a sharp excruciating pain till my tears rolled down my cheek. I tried to recall the possible cause of the pain and could trace it back to my ear infection 3 years ago. I will continue to pat at this spot even after the workshop with the hope to eradicate the problem permanently.
The stiffness of my muscles on my shoulder and back of my body is now relieved after the Paida. The numbness of my hand and feet has gone away, and in addition to that, I feel lighter now.
A lot of knowledge was shared during the workshop which made me realise that my health problems were caused by myself by not taking care of my diet and not exercising. The workshop gave a holistic treatment not on just the symptoms of my sickness but rather treating the whole body as an integrated and interconnected system.
Many thanks to our trainers Xiu and Huang as well as the organiser Ms. Chuah and Madam Sim for their readiness to listen to us and for helping us a lot during the workshop.
Serena Heng
5 May 2013
Ms. Chuah
Paida and Lajin Promoter & Workshop Organiser in Malaysia
HP: +6012 428 3265 Email: yi.consultancy@gmail.com