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Picnic table lajin bench - Ben travel lajin top-up
Dear Master Xiao,
Here are the photos of my (few and far between) lajin stops on my trip down from Queensland.
Also, the link to the pages I've created on Facebook. The more people who will click on 'like' and 'share' the pages, the better.
Mr Xiao,I humbly write you to express my deepest gratitude and appreciation for sharing the ancient Tao self-healing techniques with the world .
Thanks to a friend, whom had sent me a link to the YouTube videos of your interview with Anne Margrethe Hesse in Scotland "Hongchi Xiao - Beyond 2012" - thanks also, to the nature of the internet - knowledge about your techniques is reaching the world.
A famous healer once said: "Physician, heal thyself!" and what a liberating and life supporting ability it is - to heal oneself! In spite of my 'western education', your core message got through to me about La-Jin stretching and aging. Our modern sedentary lifestyle is causing untold suffering and illness for millions of people whilst big corporations make millions of dollars having linked our ill-health to their profits. Simple, easy-to-learn, highly effective methods that are absolutely free is exactly what the world needs!
I have been doing the La-Jin stretches since October last year (2011). The very first time I could only 'hold' the stretch for 10-15 seconds as it was very painful and my feet could not reach the floor - target 2 minutes. My legs trembled and I felt 'pins and needles' in my hands. I recognized these to be the 'symptoms' of which you spoke so I persevered 'through' the pain - target 5 minutes. he effect on my health and life is truly profound. My increased energy levels; vanished chronic backache; restored mobility and increasing flexibility is astonishing. 。For the first few week I was excitedly telling everyone who would listen about La-jin but soon learned that one cannot tell people about stretching, one has to show them the stretch and get them to actually do it!
Unfortunately the Paida component has proven to be more difficult to implement and share. It seems the slapping or beating is too 'strange' to our 'Western minds'. As a consequence, I am considering attending a 'Lajin and Paida Experiential Programme' in order to speed up my own healing and to learn as much as possible about the techniques. Is there any chance you may be bringing your programme to Australia? If not would it be possible to come to you to do the course? In the meantime, I shall continue to spread the wordabout your vital work and I look forward with great anticipation to find out if and when I may do the programme.
Once again - thank you.
Yours Faithfully,
Ben James