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手机端链接    来源:新浪博客  作者:医行天下











 虽然我的身体还是很僵硬,但僵硬程度在逐渐减轻。我想分享的一件事情是:在大约4-5周前,尽管我当时在服用一种叫做Nebicard H ( Nebivilol 5mg & Hydrochlorthiazide)的降压药,但我的血压值大约在150/100。如果我去看心脏病医生,他很可能会给开我更大剂量的降压药。但是,当我读到拍打拉筋自愈法时,给我的印象非常深刻,我下决心一定要看到拉筋的效果之后才去看医生。我坚持量血压,发现血压在逐渐改善。昨晚我量了血压,读数是120/80。真是让我激动啊!





     Dinesh Sharma




        At the outset I would like to Thank Master Xiao Hongchi & his team for spreading this powerful system.


       I am sending my photos the way in which I practice La Jin. I know it is not the perfect pose but as I do not have proper lajin table I have made this temporary arrangement. I will be soon making a special La Jin Bench.


       At present I practice Lajin 25 mins with each leg either in the morning or evening & one time I practice lying on the bed with both legs raised in “V” pose for 30 -35 mins, Plus I do daily Paida for about one hour. I started with 10 mins on 22nd August ’13 & gradually increased to 25 mins. In between when the pain is more I move my arms & legs up & down 10-20 times without getting up & again continue. On a holiday I do the practice for 3 times a day.


       The stiffness is gradually reducing though still there is lots of stiffness. One thing I wanted to share is that around 4-5 weeks before my BP was around 150/100 even though I was taking High BP medicine called Nebicard H ( Nebivilol 5mg & Hydrochlorthiazide). I was planning to meet my Cardiologist for his advice & he would have probably given me stronger dose. But when I read about Lajin Paida I was very impressed & I decided that I will consult the Doctor only after I see the results of my practice of La Jin. I was monitoring my BP & was finding gradual improvement & last night when I checked up it was 120/80. I was really thrilled.


        Now after discussing with Mr Parag I will gradually reduce my intake of the HBP medicine till I become totally free from all medicines.Pl let me know whether what I am doing is correct or needs some improvement.


      I have read about acupressure & meridians & I am really very much fascinated by the scientific basis of Paida – La Jin system. IT IS REALLY THE ULTIMATE CURE ALL FOR ALL PRESENT & FUTURE HUMAN AILMENTS.THIS IS WHAT I FEEL.


       I have shared the PDF & PPT of Paida Lajin with many known persons & am following up & encouraging them to practice it as it is so very simple & effective.



    Dinesh Sharma

    Mumbai, India

    Sept. 10, 2013

tags: 拉筋 降压
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