

我这次参加由Yi Consultancy组织的马来西亚第四次体验营(2013年4月29日至5月5日,举办地点是在风景宜人的Enderong House,位于Janda Baik, Bukit Tinggi)是为了我的父亲。他于今年1月15日患上轻微中风,导致身体左侧瘫痪。他中风之后,我带他去做针灸,他的身体状况恢复了80%。之后,我让他尝试拉筋,因为我知道拉筋会进一步改善他的状况,并有望痊愈。他的拉筋时间从刚开始的5分钟延长到了10分钟(不加沙袋)。拉筋两周,他的病情又改善了10%。后来,拉筋配合针灸让他完全康复了。




马来西亚拍打拉筋推广人、体验营组织者:蔡女士(Ms Chuah)
电话:+6012 428 3265
My name is Wong Tee-Liang (黄世良), age 51 years old. I am from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I was introduced to Yi Xing Tian Xia (E-Tao) and Paida-Lajin a few years ago by Mr. Wong of Seremban. I was very amazed by the healing results I've seen on Mr. Hongchi Xiao’s blog. Therefore, I always recommend to friends who were suffering from illnesses to give it a try. Two years ago, I encouraged my wife to attend the first Paida-Lajin Workshop in Malaysia.

The reason I decided to attend the 4th Paida-Lajin Workshop (29th April - 5th May 2013) organized by Yi Consultancy at Enderong House at Janda Baik, Bukit Tinggi is because of my dad, Mr. Wong Bok Dat who had suffered a minor stroke on 15th January 2013. He had a paralysis on the left side of his body. After the stroke, I took him for acupuncture sessions and he managed to recover up to 80%. I then introduced him to Lajin knowing that he would benefit further and hopefully achieve a breakthrough. He tried Lajin starting from 5 minutes to 10 minutes without any sand bags. In two weeks, his condition did improve a further 10%. Then, coupled with acupuncture sessions, he managed to recover completely.

However, I thought if he were to enjoy a quality of life in the long run, he needed to make Lajin his daily routine. I discussed it with him and he agreed to join me for the workshop.

As for my 80-year-old father, his level of tolerance for pain is not as high as younger people, however, he did manage to improve the flexibility of his legs and his mobility. Most important of all, he promised to make Lajin part of his daily exercises.
As for me, I have been suffering from high blood pressure and water retention in my feet for a few years now and I have been avoiding taking antihypertensive medication. On top of that, I have also been suffering from frequent urination and loud snoring during the night. So, I decided to take this opportunity to see if I can get rid of these illnesses.

After a few days of Paida-Lajin and also fasting, I did achieve great results in all areas. First of all, my initial blood pressure was 176/115 and now it is at 125/79. The water retention problem in both of my feets disappeared after 3 days of workshop. My frequent urination problem has reduced to once a night or not at all. After coming home, my wife noticed that my snoring is completely gone. I have also managed to loose 6 kg from the initial 92.6kg during these 7 days.
All in all, I find that the Paida-Lajin workshop is the most effective way for anyone who wants to achieve quick results in healing of diseases, especially those who are dealing with critical health problems. Good healing results can easily be achieved if one is willing to accept and endure some bodily pain during Paida-Lajin workshop, not to mention that it is also a good way to safely lose weight.
Wong Tee Liang, Male, Age 51, from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
7 May 2013

Ms Chuah
Paida and Lajin Promoter & Workshop Organiser in Malaysia
HP: +6012 428 3265 Email: yi.consultancy@gmail.com