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姓名:Yee Chun Soon(男,39岁,马来西亚柔佛人)七年关节炎体验营自愈疗效(续)中英文   第3-5天  经历气冲病灶



他一路微笑着走下楼梯,准备晨跑(不是拖着腿,而是轻松地走下来)。可是,他的快乐是如此短暂,正当他准备开始晨跑时,突然感到膝盖钻心的疼 —— 就像很久以前经历过的那种痛彻心扉的刺痛。

















走近或者走进拍打拉筋室,他得捂着嘴和鼻子才行 —— 因为拍打过程中从学员体内散发出来的气味/毒素让他感到恶心,想要呕吐。


下午,他感觉稍好一些。我们坐在外面,我一边和他聊天,一边帮他拍打手掌和手指 —— 即便是轻拍,他也很快出了紫色和青色的痧。


但是,他很高兴自己坚持了下来,挺过了萧老师讲过的气冲病灶和“大死大活”阶段。难以置信的奇迹发生了 —— 他来参加体验营想要解决的三个主要健康问题都得到了解决。



现在回想起来,他非常高兴自己坚持了下来,没有中途退出。困扰了他7年之久、让他疼痛不已、花钱不少的膝关节炎痊愈了。指部的关节炎 —— 10个手指已经痊愈了9个,只剩1个指头尚待改善。





他在第7天为大家奉上了至诚、感人的一段长长的分享 —— 反思过去的种种,分享了自己的心路历程,以及通过此次体验营如何找到了治病之方,而且还收获了内心的安宁。








Chuah Li Choon

Yi Consultancy

Address: 18-3-9, Lorong Delima 1, Gembira Parade, 11600 Penang.

Tel: 604-659 7767                       HP: 6012-428 3265

E-mail: yiadmin@streamyx.com; yi.consultancy@gmail.com





 7-Day Paida and Lajin Workshop in Johor, Malaysia (2nd Intake)

21-27 Nov 2012


Serious Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) on Knees (and Hands) and Waist Problem – Healing Crisis in Action on Day 3-7 

Name: Mr. Yee Chun Soon (Male, age 39, from Johor, Malaysia)


Day 3-5

Healing Crisis in action…..

Woke up at around 3a.m. on Day 3, while walking to washroom, he suddenly noticed the knee pain was all gone. 

He walked down (not dragging his feet but with ease) the staircase all smiling for the morning jog.

His happiness, however, was short lived.

Within split seconds, just as he was getting ready to jog, the excruciating pain on his knee, all of a sudden just came back — real and sharp as was previously experienced a long time ago.

According to him, he would have given up (stopped walking and taken painkillers to ease the pain) had he not been in the workshop and under the watchful eyes and caring of couch Xiu and Hsuan-Li.

He was in great pain (initially but getting better) as he dragged and forced himself to continue to walk slowly. 

He was being, again, thoroughly patted the whole body, front and back, legs, etc. throughout Day 3-5.

Thereafter he experienced healing crisis as described in Xiao Lao Shi’s book.

He was feeling lousy, difficult to get into sleep, depressed, dizzy, nausea and felt like vomiting.

He took ginger and date soup on Day 3 & 4 but was getting intolerant of the smell. He gave up and drank warm water instead on Day 5.

His whole body, literally from hands, front, back and legs (both front and back) were covered with “Sha”. Sha just showed up whenever an area was being patted (even with light Paida).

Watching him in such a dire condition, his wife, in tears, reminded him to hang on and have faith… 


Day 6

His sense of “smell” heightened and he had to stay outside of the room most of the day.

He had to cover his nose and mouth whenever he entered or got near the training room as the “smell” (body odors/toxins being expelled out of the body during the Paida process) made him sick and felt like vomiting. 

His healing crisis peaked on Day 6 and he thought he was going to collapse.

He was feeling a little better in the afternoon. We sat outside and chatted while I helped Paida his palms and fingers — even with light Paida, purplish and greenish Sha appeared easily shortly after.

It was then that he confessed to me that despite his strong will to get well, he had thought of running home (his house is about 10km away from the venue) and discontinuing the training when the pain was too much to bear.

But he was very glad that he stayed on and survived the healing crisis and the “da si da huo”/ death and revival stage (大死大活) that Xiao Lao Shi talked about. It was unbelievable and seemed a miracle but the three main problems that he had come here for were all solved in the process.

Yee said that after listening to couch Hsuan-Li, he had been in deep thinking and doing a lot of “soul searching” and “repentance” and felt a little relieved and much “lighter” thereafter.

In retrospect, he was very glad and happy that he persisted and did not quit. His very problem RA on knees which had troubled him for seven year, and cost him much money and pain, had all gone. As for RA on fingers, nine out of the 10 fingers are OK now with no pain, except for one. Waist/lumber problem was well taken care of “accidentally” on Day 2 without him working on it.


Day 7

He was looking good and energetic after a good rest/sleep on Day 6.

He gave a very honest, long and touching sharing on Day 7 — reflecting on his past doings, touched a little on his inward journey and how he  managed to find a cure not only for his illness through this workshop but peace within himself.

He promised to write and send me his side of story on his “journey to cure”. 


We wish him WELL and look forward to his interesting sharing in due course.


Sunday, 2 December 2012


Chuah Li Choon

Yi Consultancy

Address: 18-3-9, Lorong Delima 1, Gembira Parade, 11600 Penang.

Tel: 604-659 7767                       HP: 6012-428 3265

E-mail: yiadmin@streamyx.com; yi.consultancy@gmail.com

tags: 自愈 体验 疗效 关节炎
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