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手机端链接    来源:新浪博客  作者:医行天下




有时我去看病,但没吃药,把药放进一个大罐子里,现在这个罐子满了。在 7日体验营我学到不少新鲜事物,包括痛的原理与见解,拍打拉筋时的专心与专注,经络不通等等。

萧老师的话语其思即其人,食如其人”, 让我铭记在心。我过去的确吃得太多而疏于运动和锻炼。我担心辟谷。3天禁食?我的天!恐怕一天都受不了。然而,辟谷期间,结果是一点都不感到饿。记得以前在机场,有工作人员问我是不是孕妇并向我索要医生证明时,我曾火冒三丈。不过现在我身材比以前苗条了,不用为此而担心了。




I know Paida Lajin about 9 months ago from Mr. Sin Fang Wong who has ever come into Paida and Lajin camp for a week in China. He came to Jakarta to do business with my friend. My friend’s brother stroke for 4 years, couldn’t move at all. One time undergoing the therapy was able to stand and walk one, two steps. 

When I did the therapy, he said I was too much taking medicine drug poisoning; appeared many sha with white dots like powder. I am interesting in this method because some doctors gave a different diagnosis (colon cancer, heart problem, high blood pressure etc). This makes me confused and frustrated.I had to feel fear when doctors said don’t forget even one time to take the pill of high blood pressure medicine because the brain vessels could burst and I will stroke. Doctor also recommended placing a stent in my heart. And when I take the pill my blood pressure drop/low and I blackout. From that point I don’t want to take the drug’s again.

I am sometimes go to the doctor for checking my health but the medicines I don’t take it. I put it in the big jar. Now the jar is full.In the 7-day programme many new things I learned. About the philosophy of pain, focus and concentration during doing Paida and Lajin, blockage meridian etc.

I was very impressed with the Mr. Xiao said ‘you are what you think and what you eat’.I had too much to eat and lazy exercise/sport.I was very worried with fasting programe. 3 days? Oh my god…One day I couldn’t.But during fasting it turns out, I didn’t feel hungry at all. I got pissed off at the airport when the airport crew asked the doctor’s affidavits…are you pregnant mum??But now I’m more slim and don’t worry about it.

Currently I feel healthier, lighter, more relaxed and happier.Hopefully arriving at home I can stay disciplined do the Paida and Lajin.Xie xie da jia rang wo you yuan fen zai zhe li he dajia xue lajinpaida.

Utami, Female, Age 38, from Yogyakarta, Indonesia (Indonesian)

3 Oct 2013

Ms Chuah

Paidaand Lajin Promoter & Workshop Organiser in Malaysia

HP: +6012 428 3265         Email: yi.consultancy@gmail.com

tags: 体验 心脏
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