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我接着拍她的大腿和小腿。长时间轻拍小腿之后,我又继续拍打她的脚部(疼痛的部位)和突起的骨头。我开始拍腿后,她的脚痛很快减轻。回想起她告诉过我先前拍完后不久又开始痛起来,我连续给她拍了1个小时以上。我一边拍,一边看着她的表情 —— 她很放松地休息,一会儿睡着,一会儿醒来。我自己也很轻松,感觉胃部舒服了(晚上有点胃酸,紧接着就醒了,听到妈妈在呻吟)。我满怀爱意耐心地拍着,在给她拍腿时对她的腿说“对不起,请原谅,谢谢你,我爱你” —— 参加完体验营之后,这一切都那么自然而然。我平常可是一个很没有耐心的人呢。

这次给母亲拍打的经历让我领悟到:接受疼痛和不适有多么重要。我们常常痛恨疼痛,以至于当我们的身体想要通过疼痛(某个部位的淤堵)警告我们时,我们却想要不择手段地压制疼痛 —— 并且是越快越好。因此,我们用止痛片对付头痛,用抗生素压制感染,诸如此类,举不胜举。我们总是在用对立、负面的方法“消除疾病,恢复健康”。我们以为不痛就表示我们是健康的!我在体验营中学会了感恩疼痛 —— 拍打引起的疼痛能够疏通人体淤堵的经络/气,让痛苦的疾患自然消除。这个过程需要时间。但是,这是一种积极对待疾病和健康的方式。



“对不起,请原谅,谢谢你,我爱你”能量惊人。休兰博士(Dr. Hew Len)运用“夏威夷疗法”治愈了整个精神病院的暴力犯罪分子和精神病患者!日本科学家江本胜博士用实验证明了通过改变我们的念头和语言,化消极为积极,我们可以改变体内水结晶的结构,结出美好的结晶。






注:蔡小姐(Ms. Chuah)是马来西亚拍打拉筋推广人和体验营组织者

电邮:yi.consultancy@gmail.com   电话:+6 012 428 3265

Paida & Lajin for mum with love — from resentment to acceptance


Dear Ms. Chuah,

Yesterday morning I tried out Paida and Lajin on my mum when she complained of discomfort in her left foot (the main problem was a protruding bone on top of the foot). I asked her to pat herself on her inner thigh for 20 mins and I did another 10 mins. This was followed by 5 mins of Lajin. I didn’t think then that on the same night she would experience “healing crisis” (so soon!!).

After I called you for help, I thought that the half hour Paida that night was sufficient to “cure” my mum’s foot problem. But at around 1 a.m. I heard her groaning in pain in bed. The earlier pain relief was short lived. Shortly after I left her bedside, the protruding bone on her left foot was giving her trouble again. The constant needling sensation and pain at that area was giving her a sleepless night. Her upper thigh was also in pain (had Paida that area just before I went to bed).

As advised, I started to pat her inner elbow to stimulate her heart. Her heart wasn’t “open” and she was angry for getting this pain. To her, it wasn’t as painful before the Paida yesterday morning. She was also confused and resented the need to use the 4 mantras. She had always used “AMITOFOH” in all her prayers. So she questioned why she had to use these 4 mantras now? I think she was using the 4 mantras as a pain killer but not as a communicating tool for her and her body. She was also angry because she would be too painful to attend this morning prayer (a one day retreat at her favourite temple).

I moved on to Paida her thigh and continued onto her calf. I used soft patting at her calf for a long time before I moved onto the foot (the actual area which was giving her problem) and at the protruding bone. Her pain relief was fast after I started to pat her leg. Recalling how she told me that the pain returned shortly after I stopped patting, I keep at it for more than an hour. I watched her facial expression. She was relaxed and resting, alternating between wakefulness and sleep. I was very relaxed and felt my stomach had calmed down. (was feeling a bit acidic just before I woke up and heard her groaning). I Paida her with love and patience — it just came naturally after the workshop. Usually I am a rather impatient person. I also said the 4 mantras to her leg as I was patting it.

I learnt from this lesson with my mother how important ACCEPTANCE of PAIN and discomfort is. We usually dislike pain so much so that when our body tries to communicate with us through PAIN (blockage at that area), we want to SUPPRESS it with whatever means — the faster the better. So we resorted to Panadol to “kill headache”, antibiotics to suppress infection, etc. It was a whole lot of REJECTION and a negative method used to “GET WELL”. We think NO PAIN means we are healthy and well! At the workshop I learnt to be GRATEFUL to Pain as the relief comes after that — i.e. pain from Paida helped to clear the blocked meridians/Chi and then the painful health problem naturally went away. It’s a slow process but a more positive way of approaching our illness and health.

What I got out of the workshop went beyond just my bodily health. It improves my mental, emotional and spiritual approach towards life on the whole! What an unexpected way to gain harmony between body and mind!!

I can’t emphasize enough the need to make people understand the 4 mantras internally before they Paida or Lajin as it will help speed up their recovery. This has helped me through the workshop. We have been ignoring and neglecting our body (as well as our emotional state of mind) for so long that we need to say sorry to it and repent for our past ignorant actions. Thus, “I am sorry, please forgive me” is so appropriate! We need to recognize that our body is so kind to us by functioning despite having to operate at below optimum level. Therefore “Thank you very much” needs to be said to it. Lastly we need to show our appreciation to them by saying “I love you”. Everybody wants and needs love. How can we love others when we don’t love ourselves?

These 4 mantras are so powerful that Dr. Hew Len from Hawaii cleared an entire mental hospital of violent criminals and lunatics! Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto has proven that by changing our thoughts and words, it can change the structure of the water crystal in our body from a negative to a beautiful and positive one.

It is also useful for people to read up the Paida and Lajin book or go E-DAO website to understand how Paida as well as Lajin works, especially on the chapter regarding “Healing Crisis” or “Qi Chong Bing Zao”. Then they won't panic and discontinue this exercise when they encounter healing crisis. Lastly it really gives people the confidence and encouragement to go on when one knows and has contact with people who have experienced Paida & Lajin after having attended the workshop. So I definitely encourage people to attend the workshop to get firsthand experiential knowledge.

I felt so much gratitude to Paida and Lajin and to you, Ms. Chuah for helping me last night, as I drove my mother to her temple at 7.30a.m. this morning! Yes, the pain in her foot has subsided considerably and she has learnt how to self-help should the problem arise during her prayers at the temple.

Thank you once again and good nite!

With gratitude,


13th Jan 2013

Ms. Chuah, Paida & Lajin Promoter & Workshop Organiser in Malaysia

HP: +6 012 428 3265    Email: yi.consultancy@gmail.com

tags: 拍打拉筋 拉筋 母亲 拍打
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