在澳洲云游期间,我和主办人Ben应邀到澳洲国家广播电台ABC Radio做了一次访谈,大约20几分钟。见医行天下视频网:i.youku.com/yixingtianxia 没想到这样短暂的一个节目也吸引了不少人来参加体验营和讲座。其中一位更是因为没有参加体验营而无比遗憾,专门给Ben写信感谢!因为只用在广播中学会的拉筋就自愈了屁股痛!

Hi Ben, I heard you on ABC radio last week but did not hear you mention the Noosa workshop! I am so disappointed I missed out - there are so many questions I would have like to ask! Please let me know if ever there's another one up this way.
When I heard the interview I did some Internet research and decided to give the lajin a try that day. I ridged something up in the doorway and off I went. Although quite painful, I managed five minutes and a week later am up to 10 each leg. I have suffered with left hip pain for many years with all the usual medical treatment.
After my very first session of lajin I could not believe the difference - I could walk with comparatively little pain. So obviously I will continue! Thank you for bringing lajin to my attention.
Kind regards and I hope the workshops are a great success.
