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手机端链接    来源:新浪博客  作者:医行天下



    我一有机会就推广拍打拉筋。我向到访约翰内斯堡的意大利商务代表团的一位成员推荐了拍打拉筋。他患有严重的肩部问题,虽然长期接受治疗,情况还是很糟糕 —— 他得将伸展的右臂放到背后,改用左手开车。您能想象他得长时间这样子开车吗?这样开车还很危险,想必对他而言是一种地狱般的煎熬。拍打拉筋3天之后,他说肩部问题改善了50%以上。他还有另外一个问题。他的手指不能弯曲,医生告诉他说他的左手(包括手指)和左脚会变得像“鸡爪子”一样,对此他们也无能为力。这将意味着他的左手和左脚会残废,进而会严重影响到他的生活。我相信通过拍打拉筋,他的这个问题也会很快得到解决。他会和您联系,希望能够与您在佛罗伦萨会面,共享“咖啡时光”。












Good morning Hong-chi,


I use any opportunity that presents itself to promote Paida and La Jin. I introduced one of the members of the Italian business delegation visiting us in Johannesburg to Paida and La Jin. He had a serious problem with his shoulder, which, despite extended medical treatment, was so bad that he had to use his left arm and put the extended right arm right behind him when driving his car. Can you imagine driving like that for hours which he has to? It is also dangerous and must have been hell for him. Well, after three days of some clapping and stretching, he reported a more than 50% improvement. He also has another problem. He can't bend his fingers back and the doctors told him his left hand fingers and hand as well as his foot would become like “claws” and there is nothing they could do to help him. That will mean his hand and foot would be crippled and that in turn will affect his life big time. I am sure Paida and La Jin will fix that in no time as well. He will contact you and would like to meet you for a "coffee in the coffee" in Florence.


You set such a wonderful example that filters down to the people associated with you. Kucki asked if Lulu could Paida and La Jin the CEO of a company in Vancouver for a couple of days and get paid for it. She is in a wheel chair. Lulu replied she is happy to oblige for free but if she insists to pay her, she will refuse. That is pretty rare in our day and age.


Kucki looks so good that people compliment her on her looks and figure. She has lost weight without one bit of flabbiness which is often associated with slimming. She is also clapping her head and face for an hour each day as she wants to find out what the effect will be. I can't believe how great she looks on Skype. Clapping beats any cosmetic, for sure!!!


I can't wait to see you in Johannesburg.


Have a banner day in “Hong-chi land”.


Best wishes, Axel 

24 September 2013

tags: 拍打拉筋 拉筋 拍打
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