Dear Master Hongchi Xiao,
I am writing to thank you again. I stayed in mountain range for 6 weeks, then came back to plains in South India. 4 days later I lost my balance, felt unstable and was sure that I had vertigo.Fortunately for me a friend asked me to check the blood pressure, I did that and it was 200/100.Dr. advised me to go on the medicine which I declined. As soon as I came home I slapped my elbows
10 minutes each. The dizzy feeling left immediately. In four days blood pressure normalised.I was slapping my elbows before and as my blood pressure was always normal. I had not done thatfor about four months prior to this problem.
I really would like to know if you are going to have a residential course in U.K. or in Malasia or Hongkong or India? Better still please let me have the details of your residential workshops.
I attended your workshop in Harrow UK last year and it was very good indeed.
THANK YOU. With best regards.