
我和老公刚参加完北京7日体验营。我自身没有明显的健康问题。但是,因为我有过两次流产,我的家人一直说我“体虚”。所以,我就趁此机会和老公一起参加了体验营。体验营的第二天我就准备打道回府 —— 经过第一天的拍打拉筋之后,我浑身疼痛,睡不好觉。后来教练给我来了一顿拍打,当天傍晚我感觉没事儿了。但是,后来疼痛转移到了腕关节处。第三天早上,我继续拍打拉筋,痛感竟然奇迹般地消失了。
现在回想起来,我和老公去年12月搬来北京时,我患上了落枕 —— 头抬不起来,左手甚至连拿杯子的力气都没有。这病已经过去三个月了,我从未采取任何治疗措施,在这次7日体验营中竟然给调出来治好了。之前,我从未拍打过,这是一次非常真切的经历。我喜欢拍头,这让我感觉很放松。拍头真的让我感觉“气”在全身流动。真是太神奇了!更让我开心的是我看到老公的身体状况有了很大改善。他告诉我,如果时间允许,他一定会再次参加体验营。
说实话,我爸爸在家里没有拍打过。不过,体验营结束后,我会告诉他我的经历,好让他分享给他的朋友们。现在,我明白了“No Pains, No Gains”意义何在了。
No Pains, No Gains:通常译为“不劳无获”;或“不经一事,不长一智”。对于拍友们而言,则是“痛并快乐着”,“激活痛药,通经祛病”。
I got to know Lajin & Paida from my father in November 2010.
He had heart problem, diabetics and leg pain. My father encouraged me and my husband to attend the workshop because he sees a lot of improvement in himself. The doctor wanted him to take insulin, but my father kept on giving excuses to the doctor, on the other hand he was very hard working doing Lajin. Finally the doctor agreed with him not to inject insulin. And now he has stopped the diabetic medicine and his blood sugar level is normal.
Before my dad had a Lajin bench, my mum just helped him by holding his leg up and pressing the other leg down for 1-2 min. After a week my dad’s leg pain was gone. Before that he had to go for leg massage twice a week. That was how he got his confidence to continue. My father has continued the Lajin for 2 years and he has lost 13kg from 97kg to 84kg. I have never seen my father with his current weight before.
The second person who has benefited from Lajin in my family is my mum. Her both hands were numb for a long time. Many people might think this is nothing, but because her hands were numb, she would always get hurt in the kitchen. After Lajin she is working very well now.
My nephew at 9 years old with coloring allergy had to see the doctor every month because we could not avoid the outside food with coloring and preservatives. He also got cured after he started doing Lajin and also improved in his weight gain.
My dad has introduced Lajin to many people that he knows, at the same time he has printed 2,000 copies of Lajin self-healing method (English and Mandarin versions) from the Internet to put in his friend’s restaurant. (Display board) Surprisingly he got many calls inviting him for demos. At first he just called people to come to the house and showed them how. After many people benefited from Lajin they even called him to clubs and association meetings to share the Lajin experience.
My husband and I just attended a 7-day workshop in Beijing. I don’t have any visible health issue. Because I had two miscarriages, my family kept on telling me “You’re weak”. So I took the opportunity to attend with my husband. I was about to go back on the 2nd day of the class — after the Lajin and Paida on the first day, my body was aching and I couldn’t sleep. The coach gave me more Paida on my body and it seemed to recover in the evening. But the pains switched to the wrist. I continue Paida and Lajin on the 3rd day’s morning session, amazingly it was gone.
Now I recall that when my husband and I relocated to Beijing last December, I had a stiff neck after sleep — my head could not lift up straight and my left hand didn’t even have the strength to take a mug. It has been 3 months I never bothered to do anything about it and it was cured in this 7-day workshop. I never experienced the Paida before and this is a real experience I have. And I love the beating on the head, I feel so relaxed. The head beating really makes me feel the “Qi” flowing to my body….It is so amazing. The happier for this class is I can see a lot of improvement in my husband. And he told me if time allows he will definitely attend again.
Honestly my father did not do Paida at home, but after the class I will introduce my experience to him so he can share more with his friends. Now I understand the meaning of “No Pains, No Gains.”
Amy (Singapore)
March 10, 2013