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手机端链接    来源:新浪博客  作者:医行天下








    我学着如何正确地拍打与拉筋。着实不易,说实在的,很痛苦。但正如萧老师所言,“无痛焉有所得?” 我不得不调整好自己,忍住痛疼,开始享受拍打拉筋,因为我正从与我伴随了25年之久的诸多痛苦中解救出来。

    首次体验营,我身体不易出痧,但体验营组织者帮助拍打,在拍打的大部分区域及多数时间,都出了不少紫黑的痧。 经历了一次体验营,我动作变得轻巧些了,总体感觉不错。回家后继续着拍打拉筋,但不如在体验营时有力量。在这一点上,我得度过气冲病灶,参加在德国主办的体验营。德国营时间更久,我的气比刚开始时更足点了,能做比以前更有力的拍打,能延长拉筋时间到每条腿20分钟。










  I’m suffering from Fibromyalgia for the last 25 years or more. Almost i had all symptoms of fibromyalgia, stiffness and hardness in all muscles, tendons , ligament as well as each cell. It is more difficult to step on my feet when coming out from bed in the morning. 

    Also, i had always constipation and gas, and I had to watch up my food and ensure to eat enormous amount of Fiber all the day to be able to go to toilet on daily basis, and this was nearly impossible when i was working.

    I had pain in my neck, frozen shoulders, pain in all my back and lower back, severe pain in the kidney area, coccyx area swollen, legs very stiff, knees from all areas swollen, very hard and stiff, foot pain, also swollen ankles and around it all time.

I had very much cold in my legs , arms, shoulder and my back even in summer and i can’t stand air condition or ventilator.

    Stiffness in my head and forth head was very serious, and had headaches from time to time due to stiffness in my neck and shoulders.

    I had very much stress, I had difficulties with falling sleep or to have continuous sleeping. I had anxiety, and had the most stressful job ( was working with refugee organization. I was myself a palestinian refugee living in exile in Syria and now become once again refugee after I was forced to escape due to on going war there). 

    All these factors had contributed to my health situation.

    At the beginning, I mean my first 10 years i was taking medication like anti-depression, anti-inflammatory, pain killers, muscles relaxants tablets and ointments. After I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 2003 I continued to take medication for a short time, but I started doing more massages , stretching, swimming and more walking. it was not easy most time but I forced myself to do so.

    After getting across with Paida and Lajin, and watching some videos. I started doing it at home on my own. I didn’t get any sha at the beginning, until i participated in the first workshop in Switzerland in September 2013 and in Germany in October of the same year.

    I learned how I have to practice both Paida and lajin correctly. it wasn’t easy at all, and honestly it was very painful. But as Master Xiao said " no pain no gain" I had to adjust myself and to stand the pain and started enjoying it because i was released from so many pain which left with me for the last 25 years.

    In my first workshop it was so difficult to get sha from my body but with the support in patting and slapping I got from the organizers during the workshop it came finally and was dark blue most time and in most areas where we had paida in it.

    After my first workshop my movement become easier, and my general well being was good. I continued to do Paida and Lajin at home, but not as powerful as it was during the workshop. At this point I felt I have to continue my healing crises and attend the second workshop in Germany.

    The workshop in Germany was longer and my chi was a little pit stronger than it was when i started. I was able to do more powerful paida than before. also I was able to make lajin for a longer time up to 20 min. each leg. So much sha came out of my body and again it was in every place where we had paida on it. Some areas are still difficult to get sha out of it. I have to admit it is a process and it need more time to heal it self. I very much enjoyed the morning jogging this time, and the exercises which was given by Ms. Fie . Last work shop I was unable to do due to blockages in all  meridians. Thanks to paida and lajin I’m able now to do jogging every day morning followed by exercises.

    One very important moment I had to mention happened to me during the last workshop. When i was doing lajin, i decided to compile with paida with the help of the patting tool. I was slapping my legs where I had blockages and numbness. It was great feeling that so much sha came quickly in every area along the legs where I had slapped. After that it was much easier to do squatting and able to remain for a few minutes.

    Also, when my dear Fie slapped my face, and forth head I was released of a pain I was carrying it for decades. I felt after that more clarity in my vision and thoughts.

I also had improvement in my constipation and the quality and quantity of my excreta. I can go to toilet more than one time a day now.

My sleeping had improved, but I still had difficulties falling sleep and I wake up two to three times a night.

    I still have problems along the bladder and kidney meridians. 

    Now I continue to do Paida and Lajin every day, and I believe I’m no more a Fibromyalgia patient, but I’m an ordinary woman in my age.

    Thank you to master Xiao for his powerful way of self-healing. It is the first time I feel that my body can heal itself without any doctors. 

Special thanks for My dearest Fie, and her knowledge,confidence  and calmness during the workshop.

    I continue doing paida and lajin every day, and will do to the last day in my life to stay healther and fit.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you, love you, love you, love you

    Sawsan from Palestine

tags: 拍打拉筋 拉筋 拍打
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