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    Rebecca Peoples





   In April of 2013, I started seeing Penn. I sought out holistic treatment because I suffer from several health ailments as a result of an autoimmune disorder, Modern Western medicine failed at its attempt to heal me.

   When I began my treatment with Penn I was taking a dosage of steroids and after just 6 weeks of seeing Penn and using the Lajin Bench (Energy Table) I was able to discontinue the use of the steroids. I had been taking the steroid since July of 2007 and it was great relief to be able to stop having to take the steroid. 

   I immediately began to feel improvement with every treatment. I currently use the Lajin Bench everyday for one hour. I rotate 15 minutes per leg. Prior to meeting Penn I had never heard of this type of treatment. I am very pleased with the treatment I have received from Penn and her knowledge of the body and her ability to improve my health.

   The use of the Lajin Bench is part of my daily activity. It’s an exercise regime for me. I have recently incorporated the use of hand weights while lying on the Bench.

   My health has benefited greatly from the use of Lajin Bench. Because of my autoimmune disorder I suffer from inflammation in my limbs, the use of the Lajin Bench helps my body heal faster whenever I experience inflammation. Prior to the use of the bench it would take 21-30 days for the inflammation to subside. Now within 7-10 days the inflammation is gone. My energy levels have improved. I have gained strength in my body and increased muscle tone in arms and legs. Since the use of the Lajin Bench I have lost 8 lbs.

   My overall health has improved and I believe the use of the Lajin Bench under the instruction of Penn, is healing me from the inside out.  My mind, spirit and body are on the road to a complete healing.

   It’s an hour a day I cannot live without.


   Rebecca Peoples


tags: 减肥 消炎 拉筋 免疫 患者
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