
Parag Samel 拍打老人的头部
Parag Samel给她介绍了拍打拉筋,她就开始练习,且受益颇多。刚开始拉筋时,她躺在拉筋凳上抬腿最多15-20度的角度。经过在家里床上持续的练习,这张床是特别改装的适合拉筋用,现在她能轻松把一条腿抬起放在拉筋杆上,并且躺在拉筋凳上停留的时间超过15分钟。行走和做家务时,可动性增强了。她觉得轻松灵活了,右脚已经热起来了。

现在老人更加笃定与放松,能够接受更重的拍打。他的头部、双肘和双膝都被拍打过。期间,他感觉头重,我们建议他自己拍手肘。他就照做了,还自己拍了头部。几乎同一时刻,5-6只手拍他身体不同的部位。他的膝关节,右膝内侧出了大量的紫黑色痧,在更暗色的痧出来之前,还冒出了一层厚厚的白色粉末。我们专注地拍打, 而他谈笑风生,又问更多有关拍打的事情。我都被他逗乐了,十分乐意效劳。膝盖后窝遭受武拍之后,他笑着说,“这就对了。痧出来了,我才能感觉更松快”。

膝部的痧,右膝更多白色粉末, 几分钟就有更厚的痧
Parag Samel,印度拍打拉筋疗法推广人
Email: parag_samel@yahoo.com
手机 : +919004028818
One Hindu woman in her 20s was found with a tumour in her spine and had a spinal cord surgery on L5 four months ago. After spine surgery and fitting of metal plates at the affected bone, she had difficulty in bending down (it has troubled her for over 3 years), severe protrusion of sciatica nerve in the right foot, excruciating pain and walking difficulties. Her right foot used to become icy cold.

Parag Samel patting the old man’s head
When Parag Samel introduced her PaidaLajin, she began practice and has benefited a lot from it. In the beginning, while stretching, she could not even raise her leg up more than 10~15 degrees on the Lajin bench. With persistent practice at home on a modified bed to suit Lajin practice, now she can easily put one leg up the pole and stay on the Lajin bench for more than 15 minutes. Her mobility is enhanced when walking and doing housework. She feels light and flexible, and has warmed up her right foot with the sciatica nerve re-adjusted back in place.
News of PaidaLajin being able to help people heal various problems got spread out among the Hindus in Mumbai. This Tuesday, Parag and I were invited to see a 68-year-old Hindu patient who had a surgery to remove tumour in D-4, just 15 days ago. When we arrived, we saw him lying on the ground, with a mattress underneath. There were a catheter tube and a bottle attached to him, to collect his urine. He was also taking HBP tablets and painkillers. After the surgery, he felt his legs and feet quite numb and was unable to stand or move from the waist, particularly the right one, and his feet were a bit swollen.

We showed the old man and his family how to stretch his palms and feet to stimulate energy flow all over.
Generally, our advice for those who’ve had a surgery is to practice PaidaLajin 3-6 months afterwards, when the patient is better recovered from the surgical wound. However, we fully understand how PaidaLajin can speed up recovery and improve the patient’s quality of life. We explained how it works and the family were quite receptive of the concept of self healing with PaidaLajin. We know it’s too early to work on the operated back, so we designed a healing scheme to boost his energy level and cleanse toxic waste by patting other parts of the body, which will stimulate his self-healing power to repair the surgical wound faster.
Then we began actual work --- three of us patted him softly at the same time, with Parag patting his head, his daughter and I patting the Yongquan acupoint on his feet. Sensation of energy flow was quickly revealed. (His spine supporting harness was eased up for free energy flow during the exercise). While patting, we interacted with him and observed his reactions. Soon, he felt his head getting giddy. This was his first “taste” of healing crisis. Parag and I patted his elbows, soon black Sha emerged and the dizziness was gone. Later, he felt sensation of pain at the root of his right thigh and along his right leg, which was giving him more discomfort after the surgery. This was a clear example of how the activated self-healing power is doing its job to accurately target wherever the blockages are. Before we finish, the old man ASKED FOR more Paida on his feet. Then he felt satisfied. He said he was feeling light and warm. Indeed, we find him quite refreshed and energized.
Today (after two days), we visited him again. When we arrived, he was already in sitting position, expecting us to come. After our first visit, his family members have been patting him and stretching his hands and feet only, to stimulate his palms and soles along with the lymphatic system. He told us he was feeling better. The only thing was he didn’t have bowels over the past couple of days, and the family was a little bit worried. This, I explained, is another healing crisis. When the body’s self-healing mechanism is stimulated, all channels of detoxification are opened up, and toxins in the body can go out as sweat, tears, burps, darker urine, etc. As passing bowels is not the only channel to detoxify, one may experience several days’ “constipation”. This is a natural process and we need to trust our body’s wisdom of re-balancing itself.
Now more assured and relaxed, the old man was able to take much heavier Paida. We patted his head, elbows and knees. During the process, he felt his head heavy and we advised him to pat his own elbow. He did it and also clapped his head. And there were 5-6 hands patting different parts of his body, all at the same time. Much dark Sha came out at his knees, and on the inside of his right knee, a thick layer of white powder appeared before more dark Sha surfaced. We were focusing on Paida, and he was smiling and talking to us. And again, he asked for more Paida. I was amused to hear that and was quite happy to oblige. After receiving very heavy Paida on the back of his knees, he smilingly said, “This is it. I need to get the Sha out for me to feel lighter.”

Sha on the knees, more white powder on the right knee and much thicker Sha in just a few minutes
He has just started his healing journey and apparently is quite enjoying it. His family told us that he wasn’t in a cheerful mood during the day and when we arrived and did Paida on him, he was very cooperative and smiling a lot. And it occurred to me that I never for a second felt the fear and distress of a cancer patient. How admirable!
Ellen Zhang
April 10th, 2014
Parag Samel, Indian promoter of PaidaLajin self-healing
Email: parag_samel@yahoo.com
Mobile : +919004028818